Want to Learn to Curl?
2021 Fall League Champions
Thursday Night Spring League 2021
Fall League 2019 Champions
7th Annual Panhandle Bonspiel in the Books
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to making the 7th Annual Panhandle Bonspiel a success! We were so glad to see both familiar and new faces on the ice, to watch and play in some great games, and for the generous donations to our auction (including one from Capone's)....
Fun learn-to-curls in Spring 2019
Our club has hosted three learn-to-curls at (or very nearly at) capacity this spring! We had around 120 people join us on the ice!
House Rules
In order to make sure that we all have a good time and things go smoothly, please remember to keep the following house rules in mind during league play! (This advice transports to bonspiels as well.)Matches should begin by introducing yourself to all the members of the opposing team...
What is a bonspiel?
The 7th Annual Panhandle Bonspiel is coming right up at the end of April, so we thought some newer curlers might want to know what the heck a bonspiel is!