We are planning to get folks who are ready to be back on the ice into a six-week Thursday night league starting on April 29th with draws at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.; draws for each team will alternate weekly.
We will be taking care to meet both Washington and Idaho safety guidelines, as well as the guidelines laid out for playing by the USCA. Early bird registration (on or before March 31st) is $90/individual, registration on April 1 and after is $110/individual
Here are the details of the plan:
- Teams of three are strongly encouraged, as only one sweeper will be allowed at a time in order to maintain physical distance between players. If you choose to play as a team of four, the non-sweeping/non-throwing team member will stand at least six feet behind the hack on the throwing end.
- If you do not feel well, especially if you have a fever, respiratory symptoms, loss of smell or taste, or any other COVID-like symptoms, you must not attend and we ask that you email info@inwcurling.com as soon as possible.
- All players will wear masks covering their nose and mouth inside the facility.
- No beverages will be allowed on the ice–alcoholic or otherwise–since it’s awfully hard to keep your mouth and nose covered while drinking. Members are asked to partake of all broomstacking activities outside of the arena.
- Cleaning supplies will be provided and equipment will be cleaned before, between, and after draws–and as much as possible, not shared. If you’re interested in purchasing your own broom, gripper or slider, let us know and we’ll coordinate a bulk purchase.
- All members will be asked to help in the cleaning, setup and/or breakdown of equipment.
- Physical distance among members will be required, and as such, only one person can sweep at a time.
- All games starting at the same time will start at opposite ends of the ice. A and C at one end and B and D at the other. This is designed to make it easier to physically distance.
Players who are non-compliant with the safety guidelines will be asked to comply; repeated instances will result in being asked to leave Frontier for the evening or the season.
League fees and registration:
The Board has approved partial league fee assistance for members experiencing financial hardship. Additionally, please email info@inwcurling.com, if you would like to apply for assistance or contribute to this fund.
To sign up for these leagues, go to inwcurling.com/leagues